Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Probably should have explained this first...

So you're probably wondering why this blog is named "The Naked Pony". It's not just because it's a fun title, it's also the name of my horse clipping/grooming business.

See, I figured I wasn't busy enough, so I started up a business of my own this year. It's a completely legit business. It even has a Facebook page.

This is one of my customers, Bamma. Isn't he cute?

This is Berta, again. She's the original naked pony.

The business is so far turning out to be pretty neat. I love traveling to different barns (especially the really nice ones -- I'm looking at you, Fairfield county) and meeting all sorts of new people and horses. Let's face it. Horse people are crazy. But they are a LOT of fun.

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